After watching the video in our most recent unit, I was intrigued when “Guardians of the Mo’o” was mentioned. Particularly because it was referred to as an Alternate Reality Game (ARG). I wanted to find out more about the project, and given that they referred to groups of target learners, I assumed that a formal paper was done regarding it, and it turns out there was! From my experience with ARGs, they are a lot like scavenger hunts that have a mix of online and real world components. I participated in an ARG called “ Flynn Lives ” that promoted the movie “Tron: Legacy” in 2010. It combined playing online games, solving puzzles received through the mail, and even traveling to real world locations. An online community formed that allowed participants to work together to solve all of the overarching puzzles and mysteries. While that ARG had a commercial purpose of building hype for the movie, I think that same sort of creativity could be used to cre...